ADFAC is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency established in 1987. Based in Oak Ridge, TN, ADFAC offers services services in four counties in East Tennessee. ADFAC’s EIN is 58-1727751 and the mailing address is PO Box 5953, Oak Ridge, TN 37831.
Mission and Vision Statements
VISION: A community where individuals and families feel empowered to work toward stability.
MISSION: ADFAC exists to provide effective and essential support through programs designed to guide our clients on the path to a secure future.
ADFAC fulfills its mission through three direct service programs:
The Household Assistance Program helps families with short-term basic living needs, referrals, budget coaching, and more.
Appalachian Housing Partners provides home repairs for homeowners, builds new homes for first-time homebuyers, and offers referrals, and homeownership coaching.
The School Supplies Program provides new backpacks and supplies to thousands of economically disadvantaged students.